DIY Scissor Lift: Good or Bad Idea?


DIY Scissor Lift: Good or Bad Idea?

DIY Scissor Lift: Good or Bad Idea? Here's a number that may surprise you: Over 25% of all aerial lift deaths involved a scissor lift. In addition, many of these deaths were fall-related, either from falling from a lift or being struck by a falling lift. So, if scissor lifts are so dangerous, why do people use

Pneumatic Lift Table: What You Need to Know

Pneumatic Lift Tables: What You Need to Know Currently, there are different types of lift tables on the market. Choosing one that is right for you is about weighing the pros and cons to each. Although there are other options, we will specifically be looking at air lift tables and how a pneumatic lift table

How an Ergonomic Workstation Boosts Welding Productivity

How an Ergonomic Workstation Boosts Welding Productivity According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, welding-related musculoskeletal injuries (WRMI) are responsible for 29% of lost workday cases. This amounts to a whopping $20 billion in worker's compensation, which is why welders should consider how ergonomic workstations can help them avoid injuries. Ergonomics is an important consideration when

5 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Small Lift Table

5 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Small Lift Table Are you in the market for a small lift table? If you are, you're probably deciding which lift you should buy. Small lift tables take up minimal space but you'll want to make sure the table you choose has the capacity you need. Some small

How to Save Energy in your Industrial Workshop (Hint: Use Air)

How to Save Energy in your Industrial Workshop (Hint: Use Air) When you have a workshop, you want to work as efficiently and as cheaply as possible, right? Whether you have a workshop for a hobby or a business, the good news is that if you choose energy-saving tools and equipment, you can do both!

5 Surprising Ways a Scissor Lift Table Could Help Your Business

4 Surprising Ways a Scissor Lift Table Could Help Your Business Do you want to make a purchase that can help your employees out? Some people may think about buying a new coffee pot for the break room, or maybe even updating the water cooler to dispense hot and cold liquid. But if you really

9 Welding Workshop Tools Your Business Can’t Do Without

9 Welding Workshop Tools Your Business Can't Do Without According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, welding is projected to grow by as much as 4 percent in the next 10 years. Not only is welding fun, but it's also a very stable career. However, if you want to succeed, you'll need to know about

5 Tips for Designing Your Ideal Workshop

5 Tips for Designing Your Ideal Workshop What does your dream workshop look like? When it comes to workshop design, the beauty is that everything is up to you. You can take a very small, simple space and turn it into whatever you'd like. With that space, you're then free to work on, well, whatever

Which Industrial Lift System is Right for Your Project?

Which Industrial Lift System is Right for Your Project? Congratulations! You started a business. You have a product that is going to take off. Problem is, you can't move it. Whether it's a stack of crates or one big machine that you need moved, sometimes you just need the right equipment to do the heavy

What to Expect from the Best Lifting Equipment Business

What to Expect from the Best Lifting Equipment Business With the rise of e-commerce and online retailing, the demands on warehouse and storage space increase 10% each year. And as that demand increases, so does the demand for associated industries and workers. The lifting equipment industry is experiencing massive growth as a result of these retail